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Connect your XMax Starry & XVape Fog Pro to a 14 mm water pipe with this silicone and borosilicate glass Water Pipe Adapter. Attach it directly onto the mouthpiece, then connect the other end into your favourite glass tool and place the vape next to it. You're now ready to enjoy cooler and more smooth vapour!
This Water Pipe Adapter is also a good fit with the portable models of Storz & Bickel; Crafty, Crafty+, Mighty and Mighty+. It attaches just as easily to them as to the XMax Starry & XVape Fog Pro.
- Silicone tubing
- 14 mm male glass connection
- Silicone adapter
Can be used with: Crafty+ Vaporizer UK, Mighty Vaporizer UK, Mighty+ (Plus) Vaporizer UK, Venty Vaporizer UK, XMax Starry V4 and XVape Fog Pro.